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Crew Management

We manage and coordinate the complete process of crew management  and have a variety of specialised professionals that possess the qualifications, ranging all ranks. We arrange all aspects governed by legislation and regulations, insurance issues, staff management and administration, salaries and social contributions. We collaborate with our international offices in order to satisfy your requirement for crew members and bring potential new employees to your attention.


Recruitment Procedure

You may submit your application as follows: Send your application form to E-mail: [email protected] (OHV : Ocean House Vietnam) You may personally submit your resume at OHV's Recruitment Department.
The Recruitment Department will review your application. Qualified applicants will be requested to personally report to the OHV Office for an examination and interview. (Applicants who personally submitted their applications, will be scheduled for an examination and interview.)
Once the applicant passes the examination, he will be interviewed by the Junior Recruitment Manager. After the interview, the Recruitment Manager will advise the applicant for follow-ups and further instructions. The applicant will also be advised at this time if he is required to take up any licensure exams of training courses to be able to get the post. The company may provide assistance in obtaining schedules and slots for the needed exams and training courses.
The qualified applicants are required to submit the following documents: Seaman's book (should be valid at least one year from date of application) Passport (should be valid at least one year for date of application) Basic Safety Course with PSSR Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boat (PSCRB) Photocopy of Social Security System (SSS) ID National Assessment Center (NAC) Certificate STCW Certificates All other job-related documents in possession. Other documents, licenses and certificates may be requested depending on the type of vessel and position hired for. Applicants are urged to check validity of their documents.
Applicants will be given a referral letter to accredited clinics and will be scheduled for a medical examination. Applicants are expected to visit the said clinics on the date they are scheduled to get their medical examination. Pre-employment medical examinations are intended to determine if an applicant is healthy enough to perform
the job he is hired for. Thus, it is imperative that the applicant passes these medical exams.
Upon getting a clean bill of health from the accredited clinics; the applicant is now ready to apply for his visa where needed. OHV offers assistance in the application of foreign visas. OHV's Fleet Documentation team will coordinate closely with the applicant with regard to documents needed and scheduling of appointment with the embassy. Sometimes, the applicants would be requested to personally go to an embassy for visa application. In cases like this, an orientation is provided to the applicant a day before his scheduled appointment.
The contract is drawn mainly when the applicant has gone through his medical and visa application successfully. The contract will be based on the agreements made during the job assignment discussions.
The applicants do not pay OHV for the assistance it provides while the applicant is going through the process mentioned above.
Ex-crew member only needs to undergo medicals and visa application if applicable. However, they will be required to visit the company to discuss job assignments. Thus, the above-mentioned are the procedures that particulary new applicants should consider. Furthermore, applicants are reminded that they will be hired based on thier qualifications, skills, experience, integrity and character.



Payroll administration can be unexpectedly difficult, both at home and abroad, because no two countries are alike. Payroll management in one or more jurisdictions can be a challenging, resource-intensive operation that consumes hundreds of hours of time deciphering legislation and complying with local rules, regulations, and documentation.

OHV crewing has local payroll experts and foreign who are aware of the legislation.

Liên hệ

Máy lọc nước Việt Nhật

Địa chỉ : 117 Phan Đình Phùng - Phường 17 - Quận Phú Nhuận
Hotline : 0916 55 2003 - Email : [email protected]

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