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Log Cargo Handling Management

1. Log cargoes Log cargo, according to Lloyd’s Encyclodic (1895:626) is the load of wood that has not been processed and loaded on board. Based on Pan Ocean manual (tth:1) load of wood could be classified into three classes namely timber, lumber and log. Timber are trees that grow wood which is suitable for buildings or for woodworkers. Lumber is a log or timber that is ready to use. Log is a large or long section of wood that has not been formed or processed. In other words, logs are a large, irregular and unprocessed piece of wood Logs have many types. Code of Safe Practice for Ship Carrying Timber (2011:21) classifies logs based on the type as follow: Table 1: Log Cargo Classification. Based on the table, it is seen that different log condition–whether it is skinned or not, or dried or not–will have different weight and different stowage factor (SF).Besides their types, logs could also be classified based on their places or plans. Pan Ocean Manual (tth:3) explains type of log based on their place. Logs that are loaded in Southeast Asia including the Philippines and Kalimantan Island, are mostly called meranti wood. The woods’ length ranges from 10-15 ft to 20 ft, and their weight ranges from 1-2 tons to 10-15 tons.

2. Cargo Handling Cargo handling skills are essentials when the cargoes are loaded on board. According to Martopo and Soegiyanto (2004:07) arrangement and loading technique on board is one of sea proficiencies which concern on many kinds of aspect about how to load on board, maintain cargoes during sailing and how to discharge in destination port. Stowage or handling of cargo is a knowledge of loading and unloading form on the ship by considering and implementing 5 (five) good loading principles. The main principles of loading are protecting crew and laborers, protecting the ship, protecting the loads, loading and unloading quickly and systematically, preventing loss space.


2.1. Handling the log cargoes. Naturally, log load have different shapes and sizes. Therefore, special handling is required to load them on board both holds and on the deck. When the log is one of sea proficiencies which concern on many kinds of aspect about how to load on board, maintain cargoes during sailing and how to discharge in destination port. Stowage or handling of cargo is a knowledge of loading and unloading form on the ship by considering and implementing 5 (five) good loading principles. The main principles of loading are protecting crew and laborers, protecting the ship, protecting the loads, loading and unloading quickly and systematically, preventing loss space.


2.2. Handling the log cargoes. Naturally, log load have different shapes and sizes. Therefore, special handling is required to load them on board both holds and on the deck. When the log is loaded, especially on the deck it may cause the danger such as shifting of log, losing load or falling logs, or even damaging the ship’s structure. Therefore, it is necessary to handle them properly and appropriately.


2.2.1. Preparation The preparation stages for loading can determine the readiness of the ship to receive / load logs. Preparation stage before log loading, according to Isbester (1993: 210), is sweeping or cleaning the hatches from all debris. The holds have to be cleaned and tested too. After the cargo holds are in clean condition, Isbester (1993: 210) adds that all cranes must be thoroughly inspected and all damages and wires that are not suitable must be replaced including deck cranes, sling wire, and cargo hooks. The condition of the lifting equipment must be perfect in accordance with the criteria. lasing tools include turnbuckles, shackles, snatch blocks, over lasing wire, hog / center lasing wire. After all equipment is ready, there are several things to do before carrying out the loading in the holds. According to Istopo (1999: 303), loading process must firstly started with seeing the draft of the back, left and right faces, measuring Sea Gravity (SG) time, sounding all tanks including ballast tanks, freshwater and all tanks Fuel Oil and Diesel Oil. A draft survey is conducted to find out the initial displacement


2.2.2. Loading in hold The first step in loading the log is to begin loading in the hold. Then the draft survey must be carried out to determine the weight of the empty vessel. After that the log loading is carried out. Then a pre-loading draft survey is carried out to determine empty ship displacement. In general, the log load is loaded homogeneously or one type of charge. Referring to the International Association of Classification Societies (1997: 13) similar charges refer to load loading, generally divided in all holdings. Thus the log link is divided equally at the maximum capacity of each hold. Isbester (1999: 211) adds that loading the first arrangement of logs on the top tank should be done carefully, so that a good storage arrangement will be achieved, and the broken stowage (BS) is minimized. The loading of logs in the hold uses an excavator to arrange the load, so that the BS can be minimized as little as possible. Logs are lifted from land / barges using cranes and cargo wire slings which are then arranged by an excavator. After loading process has been accomplished, hatch cover is cleaned and tightly closed. Then, a draught survey should take place. Draught survey aims to calculate how many cargoes are being loaded.


2.2.3. Loading on deck The loading of logs on deck should be based on the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber (2010: 12), where the basic principle for the safe carriage of timber cargo decks is to make the stow solid, compact and stable, and the basic principle of safe loading of wood on deck is to create a solid loading, properly arranged and stable. To obtain the good principle, loading process must be carried out based on the following orders:


1. Draught Survey. After loading in the holds has been completed and the hatch cover was completely closed, the draught survey is carried out. According to Istopo (1999: 304) draught survey aims to find out the amount of weight in each hold. This is very important and is needed to calculate the metacentric height (GM) at the end of the process of loading. From the above definition, the authors conclude that stanchions are vertical poles on the right and left deck of the ship. Its function is as a barrier as well as a log loading space on the deck.


2. Log loading on the deck This stage is the main one in loading log on the deck. When loading on the deck, not just any logs can be loaded. According to Isbeter (1993: 211) the logs should be lighter and longer as they can be loaded on deck; it is for stability reasons and to ensure safeguarding loads. The area between hatch coaming and the ship side stanchions must be carefully stowed with the longest log at the ship side and these logs are tighten up to each other. According to Istopo (1999: 304) after the wood is as high as one stack above the hatch lid, a wire is installed. It spreads loosely around the stanchion from left to right on the wood and it will tighten itself if it is pressed over the log. This process is called the lasing center. After the lasing center is done, the logs are loaded again on it. The logs must be loaded with the middle section higher than the side, so when more logs are loaded, the lasing will secure all of them. After completing loading the entire logs, over lasing is done. Over lasing, according to the Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber (2010: 31), is a frictional lasing method whose effect is creating a vertical pressure that increases friction force between the outer stows of deck cargo and the ship’s deck / hatch cover.


3. Binding/lasing In loading logs on deck, spinning is very important to keep the load safe and to maintain the stability of the ship. lasing is an inspection or security supervision on the binding of cargo for the transportation process so that it will safely arrive at the destination. According to Taylor (1991: 123) lasing is a complimentary term to use of cargo gear. lasing is a term related to the use of loading and unloading equipment. It is an activity of binding or securing the cargo using charge binding devices so that the load is safe. In loading logs on deck there are more than one lasing systems to use. These lasing systems are center lasing or middle lasing and over lasing or final lasing. The definition and explanation of lasing methods are as follows


4. Center lasing The center lasing, according to Istopo (1999: 304), is a lasing that travels around the stanchion from left to right on wood in a loose condition, and it will tighten itself if it is overloaded on it. Center lasing was carried out when the load on deck was as high as one stack above the hatch lid. The center lasing has the function of tightening the ship’s stanchion because the wire is connected to the stanchion. This lasing center requires 200 m of wire rope with a diameter of 22.5 cm, and shackle a number of stanchions per hold. The center lasing starts from tying the eye/ pad eye wire in the stanchion at the end with a shackle, then pulling across and forming a zig zag.


5. Over lasing Over lasing is the last lasing on the log load which aims to secure the log by sewing using wire rope. Over lasing is quite complicated, because it uses a variety of lasing tools, such as lasing chains, foot wire, wire rope lasing, shackles, turnbuckles, snatch blocks, and wire clips. Firstly foot wire and lasing chain are attached to the pad eye that is on the deck and is pulled up onto the load. Then, associate shackle, turnbuckle and snatch block to each foot wire and lasing chain. Start inserting wire rope lasing into each snatch block in zig-zag movement and sewing it with wire.


6. Lasing material. lasing material can be classified into two ways, there are fixed lasing material and portable lasing material. Based on the Pan Ocean Cargo Securing Manual (eg: 19) fixed lasing equipment includes: Fixed stanchions, Collapsible stanchions, Spawn wire, Fastening wire, Heaving wire, Heaving snatch block, Heaving shackle. According to Pan Ocean Cargo Securing Manual (tth:41), those which are included as portable lasing material are as follows: Lasing chain, Turnbuckle, Foot wire rope, Bonding wire/ over lasing wire, Snatch block, Hog lasing wire rope, Wire clip, Shackle


2.3. Draught Survey According to United Kingdom P&I Club (2008:3), draught survey is a commercially acceptable form of weighing that is based on Archimedes Principle, which states that anything that floats will displace an amount of the liquid in which it is floating equal to its own weight. Briefly, the weight of the ship is determined both before and after loading and allowances made for differences in ballast water and other changeable items. The difference between these two weights is the weight of the cargo.



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