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Trang chủ»Tin Tức»SEEMP PART III


The SEEMP Part III is intended to help companies achieve the required CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator). Related to this annual rating, the SEEMP Part III is a mandatory, ship-specific document that lays out the plan to improve the CII, and therefore the vessel’s operational energy efficiency, for the next three years. 

The SEEMP Part III is a dynamic document subject to regular updates and revisions, reflecting changing performance and required measures. It must be verified and kept on board the respective vessel from 1 January 2023 together with the Confirmation of Compliance (CoC).  

Connection between the SEEMP Part III, DCS and CII


Starting in 2024, the CII must be calculated and reported to the Data Collection System (DCS) verifier together with the aggregated DCS data for the previous year, including any correction factors and voyage adjustments. The attained CII and the environmental rating (A to E) will be noted on the DCS Statement of Compliance (SoC), which will be required to be kept on board for five years. 

In case of a D rating for three consecutive years or one E rating, the SEEMP Part III must be updated with a corrective action plan and verified before the SoC can be issued. The corrective action plan should consist of an analysis of why the required CII was not achieved and include a revised implementation plan


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